Preparing for this year’s Youth Camps Program

November 23, 2011

New Year, New Resolutions

Amy Lanham
Senior Assistant Director
Campus Recreation
University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Many administrators and/or programmers approach the New Year with the same thoughts.
This year …

  • I will be prepared
  • I will be organized
  • I will feel confident my programs are offered safely

Maybe not everyone lists the last objective, but the SportRisk ‘Youth Camps Online Course’ will provide those professionals administrating a youth camp program, summer or otherwise, a sense of confidence.

Whether you are a newcomer to camp operations or a veteran camp administrator, the Youth Camps Online Course presents materials in a unique fashion – an audit based approach which tells you how well you are doing in all aspects of your program. The planning skills you’ll learn, and the extensive resources offered are designed to give you that peace of mind when the first day of camp arrives.

The course outline will take you through a road map for offering camps and the anticipated bumps along the way, as well as highlighting the road hazards which can potentially derail your planning efforts. Working with other participants, class members will have an opportunity to take full advantage of the expertise of other professionals traveling down the same road – providing a network of resources, now and in the future.

Spend the month of February working through class materials, building your arsenal for your next camp offering. Alleviate those sweaty palms before you hit the trenches of a typical busy camp day!

To view the Course Outline, and to register, go to:

For more information on our Online Courses,
contact us now!