Negligence & Risk Management Simplified (4 Modules)

A1. Why is Negligence such a Big Deal? (animated video: 7 mins)

The Challenge Staff really don’t understand what negligence means in the recreation setting.
The Solution A simple non-legalistic explanation of negligence, liability and risk management.
Video Content: This video simplifies Negligence by explaining the key concepts of ‘Duty of Care’, ‘Standard of Care’ and the ‘Reasonable Person Test’. The session also focuses on the 5 Key Risk Areas for negligence (Supervision & Instruction; Training; Facilities & Equipment; Documentation; Emergency Response Plan).

A2. What is Risk Management? (animated video: 6 mins)

The Challenge Risk Management is everyone’s concern.  What needs to be done in the Recreation setting?
The Solution
A simple explanation on how to simplify risk management planning for Campus Recreation.

A3. Negligence Awareness Training for Student Supervisors (18 mins: with tracking tool)

The Challenge Part-time student staff often don’t fully understand what negligence means for them.
The Solution
A simple explanation of negligence & liability and the need for awareness and observation at all times.
Video Content: Theme: ‘You Need to Pay Attention’
This video focuses on Negligence Awareness training and improving observation skills. A Tracking Option allows professional staff supervisors to track successful completion of this module by students

A4. Determining Risk Profile (3 animated mini-movies)

The Challenge Recreation staff don’t spend enough time determining just how risky their activities are, and whether they can manage these risks.
The Solution Two simple planning tools (Risk Matrix; Risk Rating) are used to help staff determine just how risky activities are.

To purchase series or individual module, click here

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I enjoyed very much learning what other schools are doing. The foundation for putting together a RM plan by utilizing the 5 Key Risk Areas – makes it more simple than I have made it in the past – what a blessing this has been! I like the text very much. It is easy to read and can apply to anyone working in a sports/recreation setting.

Sarah DiSabato

Associate Director, Recreation & Wellness
University of Central Florida

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