
“The Risk Management Best Practice program provides institutionally-specific feedback allowing our University Recreation department to prioritize areas for improvement to enhance the safety and well-being of our participants.  The thorough analysis by areas of operations provides our staff tangible information to determine our next steps and most effective course of action.  This feedback would take much longer and be less objective if we attempted to undertake the reviews on our own. The comparative data is good for learning trends in best practices of other institutions.”

George M. Brown, Ph.D.
Assistant to the Vice President of Student Affairs
Executive Director of University Recreation
The University of Alabama

“The Best Practices survey has provided valuable feedback to our program directors as it provided current comparison data from other campus recreation programs. This tool has allowed us to better understand the strengths and weakness of our department risk management program.”

Matt Horst
Director, Recreation Programs & Risk Management
Georgia Southern University

“This tool will serve as an invaluable, annual process for our department to ensure we’re benchmarking against national best practices in all programming, facility, and service areas that forces us to critically examine everything we do through a comprehensive risk management lens.  This is a ground-breaking moment in the field of campus recreation.”

Rob Patchett, CRSS
Associate Director, Programs
Colorado State University Campus Recreation

“In July of 2015 California State University, Chico had the opportunity to participate in Sport Risk’s new ‘Best Practices’ risk management review conducted by Ian McGregor & Associates. Ian is clearly one of the most knowledgeable and experienced leaders in risk management practices and our institution was excited to be one of the first Universities to use this new evaluation process. 

 While evaluating our programs we found his work to be innovative, comprehensive, and easy to use throughout all aspects of our various recreation programs. Because of his outstanding work we are using the recommendations as a catalyst for program improvement.  Being able to contrast our practices with other NIRSA institutions is invaluable in bringing our programs to a higher standard of excellence. Without hesitation, I would recommend this process to any collegiate recreation program who is interested in current, state of the art, risk management practices. You will find Ian McGregor and Associates to be professional and cost effective in helping you meet your administrative responsibilities.”

Kimberly Scott
Director of Recreational Sports
Associate Director of Student Life
California State University, Chico

The NIRSA Concussion Advisory Council is excited about the opportunities presented through this product, which is the first tool created specifically for campus recreation. It will greatly help in meeting the needs of the association and its members around educating staff and participants.

Lexi Chaput, NIRSA Concussion Advisory Council, Chair

Concussion Training Package

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