Emergency Action Planning

January 17, 2012

New Webinar Series on developing an effective EAP

Sean Ries, Associate Director
Campus Recreation Services
Cleveland State University

Campus Recreation departments must have an effective Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in place. The plan needs to cover all possible emergencies (e.g. medical emergency, fire, evacuation, severe weather, chemical spill etc.) and be consistent between all program and facility units within the department. Everyone in the department (full and part-time staff) needs to be well trained.

At Cleveland State University, effective and efficient emergency response is a top priority for Campus Recreation. Over the years, a comprehensive EAP has been developed, tested and refined, and consists of two key elements:

  1. Developing the EAP framework
  2. Training staff on EAP implementation

The EAP framework involves the following components:

  1. Establishing Levels of Emergencies (Levels 1 to 3)
  2. Communication (Radio codes; what to communicate)
  3. EAP Chart (Who does what in each type of emergency)
  4. Signage (Maps indicating where things are e.g. fire extinguisher; exit doors etc.)
  5. Equipment (First Aid Bags, AED, oxygen etc.)
  6. Contacts (University/Department phone numbers; radio & TV contacts etc.)
  7. Codes (Color Codes describing each type of emergency e.g. Code Silver: Medical Emergency).

Staff Training on EAP focuses on:

  1. Training (Who needs to be trained in what)
  2. Experience (Learning key elements of EAP; Training Outcomes)
  3. Assessment (Assessment of staff training by Risk Management Committee)
  4. Audits (Mock emergencies monitored and evaluated by Audit Team)
  5. Mock Emergency (Simulation drills that provide opportunity to assess the EAP and staff’s response).

All staff (full and part time) are active participants in all aspects of the EAP — and we have worked very hard to ensure that the training component is real and has measurable objectives.
If you would like specific information on how to put together a simple and workable EAP, then help is on the way!

In conjunction with McGregor & Associates, Cleveland State has developed two new Webinars specifically designed to help departmetns put together a viable EAP — or audit your current emergency response plan. For details, go to https://www.sportrisk.com/nirsa/

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