Need more help?
McGregor & Associates provides the following options

1. Annual Maintenance Program ($500 Annual Fee). Includes:

Annual re-test of Online Risk Assessment (Scores and Risk Profiles)

  • Lets you know if you are you keeping up – or slipping

Quarterly Risk Management Newsletter – keeps you up-to date on issues
Litigation Update – the latest Court Cases impacting our field
On-going Risk Management Coaching

  • Advice to Director; Risk Management Committee; Risk Manager
  • Provides momentum – keeps department ‘on-track’ with planning efforts

Access to Resources (Best Practices/ Risk Management tools that work)
Access to annual ‘risk management online course’ run through NIRSA

  • Ideal for training key staff members

2. Follow-up to Online Risk Assessment (Hourly or Project-based)

Assistance in implementing ‘Report Recommendations’:

  • Developing or reviewing: policies, procedures, forms, waivers, risk management plan etc.
  • Developing an effective risk management committee
  • Providing focused direction – based on priorities

3. On-site Consultation

Provides more in-depth review and analysis – and new insights

I enjoyed very much learning what other schools are doing. The foundation for putting together a RM plan by utilizing the 5 Key Risk Areas – makes it more simple than I have made it in the past – what a blessing this has been! I like the text very much. It is easy to read and can apply to anyone working in a sports/recreation setting.

Sarah DiSabato

Associate Director, Recreation & Wellness
University of Central Florida

For more information on our Online Courses,
contact us now!