Need more help?
McGregor & Associates provides the following options

1. Annual Maintenance Program ($500 Annual Fee). Includes:

Annual re-test of Online Risk Assessment (Scores and Risk Profiles)

  • Lets you know if you are you keeping up – or slipping

Quarterly Risk Management Newsletter – keeps you up-to date on issues
Litigation Update – the latest Court Cases impacting our field
On-going Risk Management Coaching

  • Advice to Director; Risk Management Committee; Risk Manager
  • Provides momentum – keeps department ‘on-track’ with planning efforts

Access to Resources (Best Practices/ Risk Management tools that work)
Access to annual ‘risk management online course’ run through NIRSA

  • Ideal for training key staff members

2. Follow-up to Online Risk Assessment (Hourly or Project-based)

Assistance in implementing ‘Report Recommendations’:

  • Developing or reviewing: policies, procedures, forms, waivers, risk management plan etc.
  • Developing an effective risk management committee
  • Providing focused direction – based on priorities

3. On-site Consultation

Provides more in-depth review and analysis – and new insights

The Sports Club class has been a jewel. I have learned a lot of information about my own sports clubs program just by taking this course. It has shown me some gaps in my training, our staff’s training, as well as our program. It has also showed me that we are not alone in our concerns and problems!

Liz Henry

Asst. Director of Sports and Rec Clubs, UCSD

For more information on our Online Courses,
contact us now!