
Online: means quick completion & fast report delivery

Cost effective – no on-site consultant fees

Small $ investment now may prevent potential costly lawsuit later!

Department-wide involvement guarantees staff buy-in

Graphic presentation of risk profile provides:

  • internal and external benchmark comparisons
  • reality check and/or reinforcement of risk management efforts

Detailed analysis identifies:

  • inconsistencies and problem areas
  • Key Risk Areas for immediate attention
  • Priorities for Action – and specific risk management recommendations

Demonstrates ‘due diligence’ by department in event of a lawsuit

Annual score updates (optional) ensure department is staying current

Risk management can be such an overwhelming area in our business. The tool Ian has developed has comprehensive enough reporting to gather all the required knowledge about where we are at and where we need to go. More importantly though, it provides an excellent prioritization system that will allow us to get started in the most appropriate places.

Chris Dawe

Former Director of Campus Recreation, Mount Royal College
Principal Consultant, Strategic Healthy Impacts

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