Sport Clubs Course Outline

Week 1: Operating Structure

    • Setting the Scene
      • Definitions
      • Tiers/ levels
      • Hi/ low risk
      • History/ philosophy of Sport Clubs
      • Levels of leadership (SCA; officers; coach; advisor; council)
      • Sport Clubs Manual
    • Establishing a Framework
      • Recognition & Renewal
        • Relationship to Student Affairs
        • Establishing a process
          • Key requirements (e.g. safety officer?; CPR/ AED training?)
          • Key documents to submit (philosophy; constitution; roster etc.)
          • Eligibility (e.g. % off-campus; league requirements)
        • Resources (NGB etc.)
        • Probation period
      • Registration Process
        • Minimum requirements and timelines
        • Data capture
        • Enforcement

Week 2: Risk Management Issues

    • Establishing a Framework
      • Waivers
      • Sports Medicine/ Trainers
      • Medical Screening
      • Student Training (e.g. Emergency Response; 1st Aid/CPR/AED)
    • Insurance
    • Relationship to University Risk Manager

Week 3: Sport Clubs Management

    • Leadership Development
    • Establishing a Framework
      • SCA
      • Supervisors (student staff)
      • Officers
      • Coach
      • Council
      • Advisors
      • Code of Conduct
      • Discipline
      • Educating Sport Club members
      • Funding (fundraising/sponsorship; budgets/ budgeting; bank accounts; marketing)

Week 4: Travel

    • Establishing a Framework
      • Trip Administrator
      • Trip Leader
      • Trip Approval Process
      • Emergency Response
    • Travel Policies

The ‘Negligence Awareness’ webinar was great! I think our student employees got some good information and more importantly, I think it made some of them realize how responsible they are for the patrons at our facility.

Lexi Chaput

Assistant Director, Club Sports
University of Michigan Rec Sports

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