Best Practices
Interested in finding out how your Campus Recreation risk management practices measure up relative to industry-wide ‘Best Practices’ across North America?

Contact us directly to learn more about our unique Best Practices program

Dr. Ian McGregor   604-200-3227

What’s the problem?

Many campus recreation departments across North America don’t know what the current Best Practices are in Campus Recreation, and how their school’s practices compare with those at other schools.  Are you one of them?

This leads to…

Operating in a vacuum – when you’re not sure if you are falling behind, and hence are unknowingly increasing your liability exposure.

What’s the solution?

Investing in a Best Practices approach to risk assessment and planning puts you in control!

What’s involved?

The Best Practices program is structured into two distinct parts – depends on how deep you want to go!

A) Core Program: Risk of Injury & Litigation         

Best Practices risk assessment surveys focus on Campus Recreation programsfacilities and general; plus a demographics survey designed to capture key information on each school (to facilitate comparisons between schools based on many different criteria).

  • Recreation department staff complete 16 Best Practices online surveys click here to find out which Campus Recreation programs and facilities are covered; how these industry-leading Best Practices were developed, and how the surveys structured.
  • Using our powerful database, survey responses are analyzed by SportRisk to determine how your school measures up against recreation industry best practices.

B) Optional Add-on Extras

Option 1: ‘Global Department’ risks
A unique Best Practice risk assessment survey assesses ‘Global Department’ business-related risks for Campus Recreation operations.

Option 2: Expert-sourced Resources
These resources are tailored to specifically target gaps identified by the risk assessment surveys in the Core Program.

Option 3: Custom Queries
Thanks to our large database, we’ll provide answers to custom ‘queries’ based on individual school needs.

Option 4: Repeat of Core Program
After 1-2 years, repeat the Core Program to determine progress in addressing gaps in your risk management program.

What are the Deliverables?

Detailed, comprehensive reports plus a number of comparison graphs – all designed to improve your risk management plan!

See description for more details.


What else would you like to know?

SportRisk’s powerful database enables participating schools to make queries about specific aspects of their programs & facilities, based on national demographics. For example:

Q: “How many schools of our size and in our state have ‘Concussion Policies & Procedures’ in place?    We can tell you!

Q: How many schools of our size in Region I (or any region) have a Risk Management Committee in place?  We can tell you!

Q:  “Which schools in our state use Fusion (or any other software management package)”     We can tell you!

Q: “How many schools (%) in Texas have their weight room supervised at all times?   We can tell you!

Q: What is the % of schools in our Athletic Conference (e.g. SEC) which require medical screening of their high-risk Sport Clubs?    We can tell you!

Q: How many aquatics programs in our state and nationally have oxygen available on their pool deck?  We can tell you!

To find out how the Best Practices program works, click Description

To find out the pricing structure of the project, click Pricing

In July of 2015 California State University, Chico had the opportunity to participate in Sport Risk’s new ‘Best Practices’ risk management review conducted by Ian McGregor & Associates. Ian is clearly one of the most knowledgable and experienced leaders in risk management practices and our institution was excited to be one of the first Universities to use this new evaluation process. 

 While evaluating our programs we found his work to be innovative, comprehensive, and easy to use throughout all aspects of our various recreation programs. Because of his outstanding work we are using the recommendations as a catalyst for program improvement.  Being able to contrast our practices with other NIRSA institutions is invaluable in bringing our programs to a higher standard of excellence. Without hesitation, I would recommend this process to any collegiate recreation program who is interested in current, state of the art, risk management practices. You will find Ian McGregor and Associates to be professional and cost effective in helping you meet your administrative responsibilities.

Kimberly Scott

Director of Recreational Sports
Associate Director of Student Life
California State University, Chico

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