Best Practices Development Methodology

  • risk
  • Each Best Practices survey was developed, vetted, reviewed and tested by multiple experts in the appropriate field.
  • Surveys were administered through SurveyMonkey, and survey data analyzed using a specially designed database.
  • Surveys were developed as a series of statements e.g. ‘The Weight Room is supervised at all times’.
  • Staff members completing the surveys have three response options for all Best Practice statements, and a ‘response value’ is assigned to each response:

2:         ‘Currently doing this’
1:         ‘Plan to do this’
0:         ‘Not planning to do this’

  • Each Best Practice statement is assigned a ‘weight factor’ using a 3, 2, 1 scale to reflect their relative importance.

3:         Critical
2:         Very important
1:         Important

  • A score for each Best Practice statement is determined by multiplying the ‘response value’ and the ‘weight factor’ (e.g. a ‘currently doing this’ response (2) coupled with a ‘critical’ weight factor (3) scored a total of 2×3 = 6).
  • Using these calculations, a ‘Category Score’ is calculated for each category (staffing, supervision etc.) within each survey.
  • A ‘Total Score’ for each Best Practice area is obtained by adding the scores from all Categories.



The Sport Clubs online course provided an outstanding curriculum that allowed me to gauge our program’s “health”, and critically assess our protocols. The wealth of information and feedback provided throughout the four weeks was really impactful, and will both benefit our student-athletes and enhance my knowledge base.”

James Wayne

Coordinator – Sport Clubs
Illinois State University

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